Text Marketing


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Improve communications, retain customers, and increase revenue through loyalty and incentives

Text advertisement sample - photo of pizza with text

Text Marketing may be the great marketing equalizer. A business doesn’t need a massive advertising or marketing budget to make money with text. The reasons for that are simple. Text has a 98% read rate, typically within 3 minutes of sending the message. It also has one of the highest conversion rates (46% compared to 5% for email) and some of the greatest click-through rates of any form of advertising or marketing communication.

It Is becoming the preferred method of advertising. Let us help you start today! You see signs to text everywhere these days. Potential customers simply type in your chosen Keyword to join your texting list and then an automated response is texted back with a customized welcome offer. Later, you can send them important text alerts, news, and promotions resulting in massive and immediate response rates that you can't experience with emails or signage. "Text PIZZA to 5551234 and get 50% off of your next order" is an example of how this is used... and it is extremely effective. The image above shows you how simple text is for you and your target market.



  • 98% of adults in the US use a mobile phone, most of them smart phones.

  • 46% of business text messages are responded to by consumers.

  • 48% of consumers in the US prefer direct communication from brands via text.

  • 50% of people will opt into a text program if they are offered rewards, coupons or deals.

  • Email has a click through rate of 4%, Facebook is 1%, text is 19%. 90% of people surveyed said they preferred business texts over direct phone calls.

  • In 2022 98% of adults in the US have access to a phone with text capability and there are 272,000,000 smart phones in use.

  • 40% of millennials check their phone every 20 minutes, regardless of whether they have gotten a notification or not.

  • 75% of all adults check their phone within 30 minutes of waking up. In 2020, 50 million people chose to opt into business text marketing programs.

  • 80% of customers say they prefer to get appointment reminders and booking confirmations via text.

Most importantly, why would a business not want to have the phone number of all of their clients, customers and patrons? Having a simple opt-in offer gets that for them with little or no work.

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